Dear LITW Owners:
1. Attached is a resident informative letter from the Board of Directors and the Owner Agreement to modify Lake in the Woods HOA Restrictive Covenant. The attached proposed modification addition and change directly applies to Article IX, Sections 7 and 13 of “Use Restrictions” in Lake in The Woods Covenants with the addition of the Property Storage lot. Please review the letter and the proposed covenant section changes outlined in red font.
Signature approval for the modification requires a 75% majority of LITW owners or 167 owners.
There will be a table set up at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 29, 2022, for residents to complete their signature requirement, answer any questions, and/or to drop off the form attached. Please complete the form including signature.
In addition, for those residents not attending the Annual Meeting this year, there will be a group of LITW residents canvassing door to door within the next few months to gain enough approval signatures to modify the covenant. Please contact the following residents for more information or to sign up to help attain signatures from your neighbors: Dave Brockoff – 352-592-3766 or Godfrey Eason – 352-597-9916.
2. Hope to see you on Saturday, January 29, 2022, (rain date Sunday January 30, 2022) for LITW Annual Owners Meeting. Please remember to bring a chair and any other weather-related gear for your comfort. Refreshments will not be served.
3. If you are not planning to attend the Annual Meeting, please be sure to complete your proxy (green paper) and ballot (yellow-orange paper). You may deposit your sealed ballot and proxy in the blue envelope at any of the red boxes located at the kiosks.
Thank you!
Lake In the Woods OA Board